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Aimlessness can take you to the bottom levels of life that can make you forget who you are. You can be a grown-up but still, fail to comprehend who you are and what you want. In such a state of unknowing of self, you keep sinking to that alcohol, drug, or anything that makes you forget your state of hopelessness. You can get to the point where your hobbies become self-destructive, and it can be worse if your friends are in the same state. To save yourself from such a state may need you to figure out what sport is the most life changing to you.

To value your life once more needs you to learn the art of reading, writing, and running.

What does this mean?

  1. Reading

Reading is one way to make yourself learn new things by the end of the day. You cannot claim to be idle once you develop an interest in reading as there are billions of books to choose from.  Books can help you learn new things each day that can influence the development and maintenance of good relationships with friends and family, giving you more reason to be alive.  Reading gives life worth living by creating a new experience within yourself every day you turn over a new page. Reading the right books can fill you with positivity as it is an efficient way to use your time constructively and avoid self-destruction. For each book you read, evaluating oneself will make you learn things about yourself that you know nothing about.  Eventually, you get to believe in yourself and easily engage in other uplifting activities like writing and running.

  1. Writing

Writing can be a difficult task due to the failure of the brain to generate new ideas to write about. Through writing, you can make a living while still adding value to your own life. If you are lucky, you can meet authors of the books that hold great meaning to you and learn from them how to write. However, to write needs you to be a reader and a writer to have an open mind and keep your thoughts flowing.

  1. Running

 A runner’s life cannot be compared to a non-runner’s life. Running every morning has a way of making you feel more alive with a purpose to accomplish. Running can begin right after you learn to walk. Running as part of your lifestyle keeps your mind warmed up, and new ideas can stream in your mind easily. The benefits of running a mile a day can have a life changing impact on your life.


Reading, writing and running are activities that can greatly change your life when you feel lost and unsure about life and your reasons for living. You can discover new ways of living and think by running every morning, reading a chapter of a book every day, and writing something about your experiences or ideas you have in mind. With time, your relationships become better as your confidence and self-esteem blossom to make you self-aware of yourself. Taking a moment each day on reading, running and writing will definitely pay off in future.

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Basic Science of Sport: Writing a Sprinting Research Paper http://www.runningnreading.com/writing-a-sprinting-research-paper.html http://www.runningnreading.com/writing-a-sprinting-research-paper.html#respond Thu, 26 Aug 2021 12:23:52 +0000 http://www.runningnreading.com/?p=82 Continue readingBasic Science of Sport: Writing a Sprinting Research Paper

Sprinting is an activity in any sport that involves running. To be more precise, sprinting is a form of running done within a short time over a short distance. It is a quick way of reaching a goal using high amounts of energy that can sustain you for about 35 seconds on average. Sprinting causes a depletion in phosphocreatine stores in your body muscles and causes excessive metabolic acidosis attributed to anaerobic glycolysis. There is a difference between sprinting and running, as sprinting is the fastest running form in any track.

When writing a college essay sprinting paper, you need to know the phases of sprinting that exist to ensure that you do not confuse running and sprinting. The reader of your research paper on sprinting should be capable of identifying the difference between sprinting and running.

To write your paper well, ensure you cover the following phases of sprinting in your paper:

  1. Drive

The drive is the beginning phase for all sprinters. It is the bursting point of a sprinter from an idol still position. When beginning a sprint race, a sprinter must be in a crouched position when at the starting blocks while leaning forward ahead. Efficiently using the energy within your body as a sprinter requires leaning your whole body and not bending your hips section. The foot should hit the track that exists below you, or that is quite behind your hips.

  1. Maximum velocity

The maximum velocity sets in after the drive phase. When sprinting and you are at the second phase of maximum velocity, you need to be fully erect in your body posture. Your hips should not be lowered. You gain and attain maximum velocity in the phase that should last you 10 meters to 30 meters in a 100 meters race or a maximum of 200 meters in a 400 meters sprint race.

  1. Maintenance

The final phase of sprinting is the maintenance phase. No sprinter is capable of maintaining top speed from the start to the end of a sprint race. At such a final phase, any sprinter begins to slow down.  The phase aims to minimize deceleration. At such stage, you need to be careful not to increase your stride length as it inadvertently causes further slowing down.

For the best performance in sprinting, a runner needs to master the three phases

Any runner should understand the time to gain speed and how to gain speed.  Maintenance of speed and the gradual process of slowing down should be understood. Acceleration needs to be quick, and the maximum velocity needs to be maintained before the eventual slowing down. With the phases, it is important to note factors affecting a sprinter’s performance.

  1. Genetics

The playing speed potential of any human being is affected by genetics-based on research and experience. Exceptional athletes have a ‘sports gene,” and when coupled with effective training, a runner is made exceptional. Playing speed and quickness can be trained, but other athletes find it easier than others.

  1. Type of muscle fiber

There are three types of muscle fibers, namely Type I, Type IIa, and Type IIb. The fast-twitch Type IIa of muscle fibers is capable of influencing aerobic and anaerobic activity. They have average twitch time, fatigability, force development, and aerobic and anaerobic power. The fast-twitch Type IIb muscle fibers have a short twitch time despite being capable of rapidly developing force. Their low endurance and aerobic power make them not contribute much to athlete’s performance.

  1. Body composition

Body composition is the bone, muscle, and fat proportion in the body of an individual. A body composition test needs to be conducted to ensure a well-rounded training program for athletes. It is easy to determine if the body fats percentage is acceptable for running with tests. Excess fats translate to excess pounds that can make movement inefficient and decrease the speed of sprinting.

Sprinting speed can be increased through training in conventional sprint running, resistance, ballistic, or resisted sprinting. Overall, any method of training should aim at improving the speed of running of any sprinter.

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Similarities & Linkages Between Writing and Running http://www.runningnreading.com/linkages-between-writing-and-running.html http://www.runningnreading.com/linkages-between-writing-and-running.html#respond Wed, 18 Aug 2021 08:09:46 +0000 http://www.runningnreading.com/?p=28 Continue readingSimilarities & Linkages Between Writing and Running

If you are a runner and at the same time you are a runner, you must have realized how running a race and writing are similar. To run and write gives rise to several similarities. There are facts about running and writing that such an article will shed light on that you should be enlightened about if you partake in running and writing or either.

  • Consistency

For a long-term career in the field of running or writing, you need to be consistent.  To run and write requires you to push yourself even when you do not feel like doing either. However, there is that satisfaction after the struggle to get yourself to write or run that is relieving you should not miss out on. Showing up is most important to maintain consistency.

  • Sleep

At the end of a writing or running session, you will most probably feel drained.   A good night’s sleep is what you need to bring back that energy and zeal of life. Sleep is effective in making you un-stick your mind and body. As you sleep, muscle-building proteins and released, and your body undergoes psychological recovery. However, most runners tend to skip sleep by waking up too early and the writer staying up too late, which is greatly discouraged.

  • Creation

 Writing and running have a way of creating something out of nothing to be traced back to the writer or runner. The level of satisfaction that comes with creation can be seen on a trail made or a page filled with words.

  • Solitude

Being a runner or writer needs you to develop the Ok nature of being alone. Solitude is a common feature between writers and runners, even with the existence of writing workshops or group runs. To run and write needs you on your own most times.

  • Feeling drained

The end of a running session is quite similar to the end of an intense writing session or day. It creates that feeling of being empty or drained that is wonderful enough to make you realize you have given it your all and nothing else is left.

  • Coffee

Coffee is a legal drug that is effective in enhancing performance. Writers and runners have an addictive connection to coffee as it stimulates and influences their productivity optimally.

  • Becoming consumed

Running and writing have a way of pulling you to keep yourself thinking about what to write next or how long it will take you to cover an extra mile in your running session.  Writers are always mentally working all the time, whether at the dinner table, in the office, at the restaurant, or during showering, about what they will write in the next paragraph or page.  As a runner, your thoughts are directed towards your running pace, the number of calories you are burning, or the next running trail to explore. 


The health and science of the human body’s performance are linked to many aspects of your life.  Being a writer or a runner requires one to develop a sense of self-awareness. Reading and writing require patience and preventing burnouts by making yourself know when you need to stop for a short while. There are other things that running and writing have in common if you take a closer. To run and write can be a special skill if you possess the liking of both as you will relate to both of them in many of your life activities.

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Mental Health Benefits of Reading Each Day: Research http://www.runningnreading.com/mental-health-benefits-of-reading.html http://www.runningnreading.com/mental-health-benefits-of-reading.html#respond Wed, 18 Aug 2021 08:08:19 +0000 http://www.runningnreading.com/?p=26 Continue readingMental Health Benefits of Reading Each Day: Research

Taking care of your mental health is an important task currently than ever before. One of the easiest ways to take care of your mental health is to engage in reading each day.  Reading is an effective way of keeping yourself entertained while improving the overall state of your mind. There are many books to benefit from at bookstores or on the Internet, no matter the genre you like. If you wonder why reading every day is beneficial, such an article is what you need to read to know how books improve mental health.

Some of the mental health benefits of reading are as stated:

  1. Reducing stress

Reducing stress levels is one of the benefits of reading for pleasure that you need to keep in mind. Through a book, brain reading tricks can make you escape reality just for a moment and feel more relaxed. Reading can reduce stress by almost 70%, more effective than engaging in the listening of music. The stress levels reduction can be compared to that experienced in a yoga session.

  1. Winding down

Reading during bedtime can help you fall asleep easily, especially if you have a really hard time sleeping. A good night’s sleep is an effective way to maintain your body’s perfect overall health condition. To sleep easily, avoid e-books or reading a book using a tablet as the screen brightness of gadgets make it hard to fall asleep. With a bedtime routine, you can get your eyes shut smoothly after getting to bed.

  1. Building up the brain

Reading can be compared to taking the brain to the gym. For every word you read, you engage the muscles responsible for keeping you mentally fit. Your mind is kept active as your brain is made stronger. As you pay attention and follow words in your choice of book, you improve your memory skills and build your vocabulary, enhancing your communication and building conversational skills. If you are a student, through reading, your grades can improve.

  1. Improving empathizing abilities

Reading makes it easier for you to empathize, meaning you can easily relate to other peoples’ feelings. If you are a fan of fiction, you can easily understand the beliefs and desires of other people.

  1. Dealing with mental illness

Reading is a form of therapy, and you can easily relate to this fact from the basis of bibliotherapy. There are therapists capable of prescribing books to help you deal with depression, grief, pain, or anxiety. The use of self-help books can help individuals with mental health issues.  Fiction books can provide a brain reading trick that engages your imagination and easily connects to characters.

  1. Reducing dementia

Reading keeps your brain active and can help someone dealing with Alzheimer’s disease. When the brain is kept inactive for long periods, you are prone to memory loss or incapacitation diseases.  Most forms of dementia affect older people, but it is proven that a reading older person is on average 2.5 times less likely to get diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Therefore, the earlier you start keeping your brain active, the higher the chances of good mental health, less stress, easy sleeping, and reduction in dementia symptoms.

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